We are pleased to offer the Curriculum Enrichment Grants for 2016-17
Each year the Pine Lake PTSA awards grant money to teachers and staff for curriculum and student educational support. These grants are made possible from the generous “Pass the Hat” donations the PTSA receives. Thank you to all of the families who donated to the PTSA and to all of the enthusiastic teachers who seek to add new enriching material and opportunites to the classrooms for our students.
Thanks to the generous donations to the Pine Lake PTSA, the Grant Committee and PTSA Board was able present the following 2016 PTSA Enrichment Grants totaling $15,000.
2016 PTSA Enrichment Grant Recipients
7th Grade High-Interest Books - Carolyn Booth & 7th Grade LA Staff
Quick Tables by ALEKS - Kristin Latousek & Kristin Little
6th Grade Class Literature - Lauren Roon & Eric Ensey
Coexisting with Carnivores - Rachel Rowland
Microscopes for 6th Grade Science - Laura Russell, Rachel Rowland, and Ken Abraham
Band Equipment - Brian Casper
Woodshop Tools & Equipment - Roy Cress
WEB Leadership - Eric Ensey & Lauren Roon
Let's Move: Sensory Tools - Amanda Weinberg
Sensory Friendly Film - Colleen Maher
Library Picture Books - Donna Bartholomew
Thank you to the school staff and administration for your dedication and commitment to our students and community at PLMS!
Thank you to the generous PTSA donors whose monetary donations make these awards possible.
Thank you to the PTSA Board, and the volunteers on the Enrichment Grants Committee, who took time to vet the requests and make the reccomendations to benefit our Pine Lake MS students and community.
2016 Enrichment Grants Committee:
Alicia Veevaert; Amy Cromwell; Carrie Tran; Karen Middaugh; Lori Gorski; Nancy Huang; Nicole Sundin
For previous years' Enrichment Grants info use these links: Grants 2014-15 Grants 2013-14