
The Member-at-Large (ML) is an appointed position and a member of the Executive Board.  The primary responsibilities are to attend monthly Board meetings, be a vocal contributor during Board discussions, volunteer for committees/events and generally lend a hand as needed to help achieve the goals of the PTSA. 

The ML job is a great position for someone interested in becoming more active in the PTSA but not quite ready to jump into an elected role.  Perhaps you would like more exposure to how the Board works and scope of responsibility before volunteering for an elected Executive Board position such as Secretary, Treasurer, VP or President.


Pine Lake Middle PTSA 2.6.42 is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

Tax ID # 91-1352729

The Pine Lake PTSA strives to represent and advocate for all students at PLMS to our community, governmental bodies, and other organizations that make decisions affecting the health, welfare, and education of our children.

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