Vice President

The Vice President (VP) is an elected officer and member of the executive board. The primary responsibility of the VP is to assist the President and help lead the PTSA toward specific goals chosen by its members.  The VP also advises and helps guide the PTSA Event Chairs in scheduling and planning various events during the school year. 

The VP shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve. In case of a vacancy in the office of President, the VP shall temporarily assume the duties until the vacancy is filled in accordance with the bylaws.  The VP should be knowledgeable of or willing to learn basic parliamentary procedure, objectives of the PTSA, Washington State PTA uniform by-laws, unit standing rules, and be aware of and utilize PTA resources. 

Primary responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Review the Standing Rules to see if any changes are necessary for voting on at the Fall General Membership meeting.
  • Ensure Washington State PTSA Standards of Affiliation are reviewed monthly and completed in a timely manner.
  • Proofread and edit PTSA materials, emails, and web content prior to publishing, in coordination with Communications Chair and President. Any PTSA communication must be accurate and comply with PTSA policies.
  • Be aware of important deadlines, such as payment of membership service fees, registration for workshops and conferences, applications for awards and submittals for recommendations, as well as annual corporation reports, charitable solicitation registration and tax filings. 
  • Be available to attend PLMS PTSA, Issaquah PTSA Council and Washington State PTA meetings, events and conferences which include, but are not limited to:
    • PTSA required training (2 hour training 1x per year)
    • Monthly PTSA Board meetings (1-2 hours)
    • Quarterly General PTSA meetings (1-2 hours)
    • Volunteer for committees and event as needed to lend a helping hand, answer questions and give advice.

Pine Lake Middle PTSA 2.6.42 is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

Tax ID # 91-1352729

The Pine Lake PTSA strives to represent and advocate for all students at PLMS to our community, governmental bodies, and other organizations that make decisions affecting the health, welfare, and education of our children.

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