Become a Member of the Pine Lake PTSA for the 2023-24 School Year HERE!

The Pine Lake PTSA will soon be electing executive officers for the 2024-2025 school year. We are seeking Nominees for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Member-At-Large. General job descriptions can be found by clicking the above titles.  These volunteer positions are great ways to add to a resume and relevant work experience as well as give back to the PLMS community. 


If you are interested or want to nominate someone, please fill out this short NOMINATION FORM and follow the submission instructions.  


Questions? Please email one or all of the follow Nominating Committee members: 

Juni Wu - 

Indu Nair -

Mikaela Kijanka -


Pine Lake Middle PTSA 2.6.42 is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

Tax ID # 91-1352729

The Pine Lake PTSA strives to represent and advocate for all students at PLMS to our community, governmental bodies, and other organizations that make decisions affecting the health, welfare, and education of our children.

Connect with us 
